Top Reasons why Drupal is a Good Fit for your E-Commerce Website
Top Reasons why Drupal is a Good Fit for your E-Commerce Website
CybercrimeThe Coronavirus pandemic without question changed the way people interact with businesses and do their shopping. While e-commerce has played a huge role in our lives for many years, the pandemic has augmented the significance of e-commerce.
If you own an online brand then you will inevitably face a number of challenges, particularly when trying to expand your business or capitalise on new opportunities. To achieve optimal success, it is important to engage with your current and potential customers whilst selling your products or services, all through the right Content Management System (CMS).
At EWM., our leading web development agency in Geneva, we understand the importance of selecting a powerful CMS that will support your e-commerce website.
Drupal is a world-leading CMS platform offering outstanding reliability and scalability. Launched in 2001, it has since gone on to achieve unprecedented success and is used by small merchants and global giants alike. Some of the biggest brands that use Drupal Commerce for the online business include Timex, Lush and Puma.
Why use Drupal?
If you run an e-commerce platform, then Drupal Commerce is an excellent choice. Featuring hundreds of modules and themes along with immense flexibility, this CMS is the ideal choice for developers, editors and administrators alike.
It offers the ideal way to model your content, and also features integrated marketing, payment and fulfillment tools. Basic functions such as order, product detail, cart item and payment options are available, all of which help to attract a wider audience to your site, which ultimately helps to increase sales.
Drupal Commerce features a number of modules to facilitate additional functions. Some of the many modules available include:
· Commerce Stock
This module offers stock management for Drupal Commerce stores.
· Commerce Inventory
This module makes inventory management much easier. It tells you where inventory is held, what items you have in inventory and what quantities of items need adjustment.
· Commerce Shipping
This is a Drupal commerce contributed model that provides a shipping rate calculation system, and is used when a shipping address and a billing address are different. It is also used in conjunction with other shipping method modules, such as Commerce Flat Rate and Commerce UPS.
· Currency
This module helps your website to perform currency conversions and is also used to display the prices of different products.
Aside from the above-mentioned modules, there are plenty of themes that can be included on your e-commerce site. These themes are designed to augment the appearance of your website and maintain user interest.
Some of the most essential themes available on Drupal commerce include:
· eStore
This is an easy-to-install theme that is designed to solve your e-commerce website’s needs
· Flexi Cart
This global theme ensures your products sell faster and more easily online
· Belgrade
This Drupal Commerce template was specifically designed to create business websites
· SShop
SShop is a Drupal 8 theme that is responsible for providing users with in-built support when using Drupal Commerce.
Other benefits of using Drupal Commerce
Drupal Commerce is further beneficial for the following reasons:
Your website needs to be fast-loading and performing in order to be a success. Research has shown that a site that loads in five seconds or less has 70% longer average conversions.
Alternatively, a site that is slow to load will diminish your efforts – not to mention your investments. Research further shows that 79% of shoppers who experience a slow-loading website do not return to that site in future. These bounces have a direct and negative influence on your revenues.
Drupal Commerce has everything you need to maintain an outstanding website. Additional features include:
· The Blazy Module
This module helps your pages to load faster. In the event that the user is not using the entire page, it also saves data usage.
· The CDN Module
This module helps you to integrate a Content Delivery Network whilst mitigating the page load speed. It also rapidly delivers web page components.
What’s more, in the event that your server hardware is at the point of reaching its limits, Drupal offers the ability to upgrade the server hardware to make scalability much faster.
Other Benefits of Drupal Commerce
With such heavy competition in the e-commerce space, it’s vital that your brand leaves a positive mark on users.
With Drupal Commerce, you can personalise content to facilitate the user experience and help create a feeling of trust between you and your customers. From the Smart Content module, which displays different content for different users based on their browser conditions, to the Acquia Lift Connector, which merges content and customer data to deliver personalised content and experiences, there are plenty of ways to personalise the customer experience with Drupal Commerce.
Mobile Ready
Drupal Commerce websites are responsive and work fluidly on any device. This is an essential component of any modern website, as clients will be quickly put off by a site that is not easily accessible on smartphones or tablets.
Multilingual Capabilities
The internet is accessible from pretty much any country in the world and almost any location! As such, websites need to be accessible globally, particularly if they are trying to appeal to an international audience.
Even if your e-commerce site is exclusive to one particular country, it is still beneficial to have multilingual functionality. Drupal is the ultimate choice when it comes to creating a multilingual website. It has countless languages to choose from and four core modules, all of which are uniquely designed for language and translation support.
The multilingual feature available from Drupal has generated outstanding results, including improvements in SEO, unrivalled translation workflows, the ability to reach a wider audience and higher conversions.
What’s more, the user’s preferred language can be detected by recognising their IP address, browser settings and more.
Optimal Security
In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, Drupal Commerce also offer optimal security, and has a dedicated team working exclusively on the security elements of the platform, including Cybercrime. Aside from regularly testing for issues and bugs, there are also plenty of security modules available to enhance the security of your site.
EWM. are the leaders in Drupal development, and have been working with this CMS for the past six years. The EWM. team possesses the knowledge and experience required to ensure your e-commerce business thrives.
Contact our team today to discuss your CMS needs.