Top Cybersecurity Tips During COVID-19
Many measures have been put in place to control the outbreak of COVID-19, including a staggering increase in people working from home. Unfortunately, and as a result of this increase, many businesses have been exposed to new cybersecurity challenges and threats.
We all know that change is an inevitable part of business. That being said, conducting activities remotely is a risk in itself, particularly in terms of data protection. Overnight, many businesses were forced to implement remote working procedures, while countless members of staff had inadequate training on the dos and don’ts of working from home.
Inevitably, cybersecurity threats have increased since the epidemic began as fraudsters seek to capitalise on these uncertain times.
So how can you tackle these challenges head on? Read on for our top tips…
Review Government Guidance and Regulation
Data protection should not be a barrier to working from home. There are plenty of ways to protect your company, even if the majority of employees are home-based. All it takes is some forward thinking and the right steps to prepare your employees.
Companies need to review guidelines pertaining to security practices to ensure they are taking the appropriate measures to protect their company online. This includes ensuring appropriate technical and organisational measures are implemented. Companies also need to implement the correct IT solutions and data security policies to ensure their businesses remain protected at all costs.
The last thing you want is to be exposed to a coronavirus-related scam, so by following revised government guidelines and regulations, your business will be better protected against unauthorised processing, accidental loss and damage to personal data.
Carry out a Risk Assessment
Even if your teams are now based at home, you still need to apply the same level of security measures that you would in an office environment. You should also review any new risks as a result of the changes, and ensure that your measures are as robust as possible. Where do the security weaknesses lie? What are the appropriate security solutions?
Home networks and personal devices are a unique threat to company data, so it’s essential to carry out a thorough review of the risks your business now faces, and the systems that need protecting. If your business does not have its own security personnel, you may wish to consider employing a a third party consultant or platform to ensure optimal security.
Review Policies
We’re hearing endless stories of scammers targeting homeworkers using a number of methods. From COVID-19 phishing messages to video conferencing attacks, there are many scammers trying to penetrate security.
Due to an increase in attempted attacks, companies need to identify the exact risks they face and increase security measures where necessary.
Re-Educate your Staff
There has never been a more crucial time to re-educate your staff about the risk of scams. Remind them not to click on links without first checking them. They should also be hyper-vigilant when it comes to receiving emails, as many scammers are disguising themselves as colleagues, clients, other businesses and government authorities. Once clicked on, the sites are usually malicious and are typically designed to steal email credentials.
When making payments with new account details, carry out thorough checks beforehand to ensure the account details are genuine.
A New Way of Life for Businesses
It’s essential for businesses to be especially vigilant during this volatile time to protect themselves from potential cyberattacks during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Contact EWM. to discuss your security and monitoring needs.
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