
Diagnostic & Analysis


Your emotional brain is the pilot

Every decision you make is linked to your emotional brain. You can either guess what will be appealing to your audience, making you memorable & preferred or measure it with cutting edge neuromarketing tools. At EWM. we translate beauty & emotion to optimise the impact of your brand’s story & make it live in your client’s mind.

  1. Emotional Engagement

  2. Brand Memorisation

  3. Preference Generators

  4. EEG & Eye Tracking

  5. Actionable Tactics



Behavioural economy

In fast-evolving world, being spot on means understanding in which context your brand is to be experienced by your client. They have an history & live in the real world. Adapting your message to the social context is key to be relevant & grow value.

  1. Sociological

  2. Economical

  3. Environmental

  4. Geopolitical



Data beats intuition

How do you reach digital natives & baby boomers with the same message? Identifying precisely who do you want to engage with is key to shape your message & express it in a believable, relevant way. Data beats intuition, we master data.

  1. Segmentation

  2. Conversation

  3. Behaviour

  4. Expectations


Future Trends

What’s next

Future trends analysis is no guessing, it is a vigilant tracking of weak signals indicating what’s coming next in your industry, in your market & in the world. From regenerative economy to digital scepticism, from both kindness & ego sharing the behavioral trends are shaping your market. Let’s stay spot on.

  1. Hot Topics

  2. Weak Signals

  3. Game Changers

  4. Sustainable Concerns


Digital / Web Diagnostics

No diagnostic no cure

Do you know what is holding you back? Identifying precisely what is refraining the digital penetration of your brand is the only way to cost-effectively & efficiently solve the problem. In- depth analysis & optimisation is what we do impeccably since a decade & for free. Dare trying?

  1. SEO

  2. UI/UX

  3. Code

  4. Hosting


The secret of getting ahead
is to get started.



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