
Big Data & Analytics

Predictive Analysis

From big data to predictive analysis

Discover hidden patterns and predict events to eliminate risk and create opportunities. Let EWM help you to create and deploy predictive analytics solutions that enable you to make better decisions in the future.

  1. Identify Data

  2. Integrate & Enrich Data
  3. Run & Deploy Models
  4. Testing & Application
  5. Monitoring and Measurement


Big Data & Analytics

Big data services that make a big difference

We help you to find meaning in petabytes of data by transforming raw numbers into targeted solutions. Collect and analyse day-to-day big data within your company to build reliable architectures that handle billions of queries.

  1.    360° Insights
  2. Data Strategy Consulting
  3. Data Exploration & Discovery
  4. Transform Raw Data
  5. Integration & Aggregation


Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence capabilities for your needs

Our team is well-versed in the application of a wide range of techniques such as data mining and machine learning. Using a range of software in different domains, we enable Artificial Intelligence for businesses across the globe.

  1. Data Engineering
  2. Data Management
  3. Data Analysis
  4. Recommender Systems
  5. Natural Language Processing
  6. Deployment


Database Management

Delivering technologically advanced service

8 Ways Media offers database management services to complete the overall maintenance of your infrastructure and ensure it is stable and scalable. Collect and store data flows, build data warehouses and process big data efficiently.

  1. Data Quality Management
  2. Database Administration
  3. Data Integration
  4. Metadata Management
  5. Data Preparation & Visualisation


Data Visualisation

Reinforce your product with data-driven algorithms

We assign a project team of business analysts and technology specialists to clean up your corporate data warehouse, pre-processing raw data into a form that can be readily and accurately analysed.

  1. Data Understanding
  2. Data Preparation
  3. Modelling
  4. Evaluation
  5. Deployment


The secret of getting ahead
is to get started.



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